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BLACK CURSE "Burning In Celestial Poison" CD

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This is the digipak CD version. 

‘Burning in Celestial Poison‘ is not only a statement and lesson in audio-violence, it is a 44 minutes long manifest of radical DEATH Metal causing mental lacerations and chaos!

A record supposed to shock, because of its ecstatic ruthlessness and massive fanatical malevolence, hovering deep below the compositions. It opens the doors to a world that is so unbelievable vast, that you risk to lose yourself in it, its depths defy exegesis.

4 curses are woven into 4 hymns of utter death-magic, which will lead you into the black abyss of the grand divine.

‘Burning in Celestial Poison‘ truly is an agonized infernal within, shattered and re-jointed into the darkness of the physical. Extreme intensity pointed cruelly towards the soul to extinguish the spirit.

The album was again produced by master Arthur Rizk, who cuts through all expectations with extraordinarily dense and destructive fidelity and production. ‘Burning in Celestial Poison’ sounds like created with the magick, formulas, codes and keys of a world beyond.

In order to understand the dark sublimity of this album, maybe other perspectives must be considered, which are not yet defined properly. In our world, it will be considered ugly and oppressive by those, who are not able to succumb to its glorious depths. Intentionally breaking with modern listening habits (and avoiding all rules of songlength and structure), it achieves the best result when experienced in darkness and at maximum volume.

‘Burning in Celestial Poison’ meanders and finishes with a prophetic roaring sound that surely comes from the world we have to face, which is the world in fire.

Genre - Death Metal
Record Label - Sepulchral Voice

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Product Safety / Manufacturer Information:
Sepulchral Voice Records
Thomas Pietzsch
Königsstraße 6g
08412 Werdau

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